
Wire Brush Slip Rings

Employing wire brushes in slip rings introduces numerous advantages, notably enhancing both power transmission and signal quality across varied applications.

Advantage &

  • 75.6% Reduced resistance compared to existing carbon brushes.
  • Power circuits rated to 20AMP at 240 volts
  • Designed to meet customer specifications from 0.09” to 23” power/signal
  • Maintenance free long life
  • IP 65 to IP 69 designs available
  • Can replace standard product without any modification
  • Environment friendly (no carbon dust)

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Wire Brush Slip Ring design Offers flexibility in both power and signal transfers.

Typically, slip rings use graphite brushes, which are known for their high-pressure friction and the resulting generation of carbon dust over time. At United Equipment Accessories, we have developed slip rings with wire brushes. This innovation offers greater design flexibility in both power and signal transfers.

Wire Brush Slip Ring Inside
Wire Brush Slip Ring Wire Brushes
Wire Brush Slip Ring Cover

The Evolution of Slip Rings at United Equipment Accessories
Employing wire brushes in slip rings introduces numerous advantages, notably enhancing both power and signal quality across varied applications. These wire brushes present a 75.6% reduction in resistance in contrast to their carbon counterparts, operating at a minimal 15-25 milli-Ohms. This allows power circuits to handle up to 20 AMP at 240 volts.

Wire brush slip rings have a distinct vertical height advantage compared to carbon brush slip rings. This means that wire brush slip rings have a more compact design vertically, allowing for installations in spaces where height is a limiting factor.

Moreover, our wire brush slip rings can be tailor-made to meet specific customer requirements, ranging from 0.09” to 23” in power/signal requirement, inclusive of Ethernet through the use of a filter module. The design, protected from IP 65 to IP 69, is not only resilient but also adaptable, capable of replacing standard products without necessitating any modifications.

Enhanced Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness
Beyond technological merits, the compact design of our wire brush slip rings offers economic benefits, facilitating up to 20% cost savings for customers by reducing shipping and overall inventory storage space needs.

In terms of packaging, our innovative design accommodates more units per box and reduces the overall weight of the slip ring by 35%.


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